Saturday 16 October 2010

The Wall

So this is new, and I've never done this style before. I don't really know how this turned out 'cause I've just written it and left it at that. I'm not entirely sure why the first stanza got messed up in transit either (those ain't line breaks, that's all meant to be one thing!) but here you go nonetheless: 

Simple things

become a sin when we remember

The Wall

that stands between us.

Keeping us

Oh, to break the invisible boundary
and be with you;
See your smile,
Hear your laugh,
Know the feel of your lips,
Arms -
Should never be too much to ask.
But it is, for The Wall continues
to keep us

Spectators is all we are,
All we can be in this game.
The game that keeps us so far
And yet we can still feel so near.
How unfair this is, to torture us
But torture seems so sweet;
Pain is only short-lived,
Ignorance is bliss.
So how, then, can we fear
being kept so far

The Wall is wrong.

We are better than The Wall.
We cannot break it,
But it cannot break us.
We only ever
want you.
The Wall is insignificant -
An obstacle so small
In such a vast World
Is nothing.

Without The Wall,
We are together.
So we choose not to see it,
Choose not to let The Wall
Keep us